Jon's words on why he wrote this book
Tom Petty- October 20th, 1950-October 2nd, 2017
My life in Rock n' Roll as a promo man and as a deejay has been rich and filled with many memorable stories and relationships. For several years I’ve been working on a book to bring them to life.
In many ways, I accomplished almost everything I dreamed about. Now I want to share my personal stories starting as a deejay, and then moving into a career as a record promotion man. I have quite a few backstories tucked away to share about the artists I had met, worked with and respected along my journey. Every artist I worked with was like an angel sent my way. I’ve loved every minute of it and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
On October 2nd, 2017, I, along with millions of others, heard the tragic news that Tom Petty had suffered cardiac arrest and died the following day. Tom and I had been friends for forty years. Just a week before his untimely death, at Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers final show at the Hollywood Bowl, he dedicated a song, “I Won’t Back Down” to me and my passion for this band early in their career. In tribute to him, I feel it is only right that I hold off on any other stories and focus this book on my adventures with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
Tom was a special friend and a hero to me. He fought for things he believed in, like the integrity of his music. The music that has been such a huge part of my life and so many other’s lives.
It’s clear to me that Tom will be remembered as one of the most important and influential rock n’ roll stars in the world.
This book is my way of saying thanks to Tom. God bless you, Tom Petty!
Jon Scott